Our services are flexible, to suit client’s needs and budget. Services generally fit into one of the following:

  1. Once off garden consultation

2. Small scale projects - for example a garden makeover to increase the appeal of a house before sale

3. Landscape design

4. Construction

5. Maintenance

The following provides more information about these services.

  1. Once off garden consultation

We offer on-site consultations for garden design, planting schemes, construction and/or maintenance. This service is usually for people wanting some advice so they can build or improve a garden themselves. It includes a one hour on-site meeting and a follow up email with high level information to support the visit. The email will provide, as relevant, a design sketch, planting information, useful website links, contacts for supplies etc. The fee for this service will depend on the scale and complexity of the site. Expect to pay between $600-$1200 plus GST.

2. Small scale project

This includes low cost jobs without complexity - such as construction of a basic deck, installation of irrigation, a garden makeover or construction/spruce up of a balcony space. The fee for this service is based on a charge of $80/hr plus GST for labour plus cost of materials. We will discuss an estimate of the total cost with you before we commence work.

3. Design

The first step in our design process is to gain an understanding of the project site and our client’s needs, budget and preferences. This initial phase typically takes an hour and is provided FREE of charge.

Our next step is to develop high level concept drawings, materials palette and planting schemes, for discussion at a second on-site meeting. The fee for this service is $600-$1200 plus GST (price varies with complexity and scale).

Upon commission, we then develop detailed, scaled landscape plans. These include all hard and soft landscaping, irrigation and drainage, material samples and detailed planting guides. The plans come with an itemised and transparent quote. This step usually involves several on-site meetings with our client and is complete only when our client is satisfied with the plan.

The fee for this service varies with the scale and complexity of the job. Typically, fees are $1500 - $6000 plus GST. At the lower end of the price bracket are designs of a single garden area that do not involve complex design considerations. At the higher end of the bracket are designs across an entire site that involve multiple considerations such as major excavations or level modifications, challenges in access or drainage and/or the need to create a space that meets multiple competing needs.

4. Construction

We do some parts of the build ourselves and coordinate specialist trades as required. We are closely involved with the process from conception to completion. 

5. Maintenance

As gardens grow and evolve over time, our designs usually have a short, medium and long term goal. For this reason, we strongly recommend a maintenance service two to four times a year. This enables us to optimise your investment, so you can enjoy your garden for many years to come.

Our rate for maintenance is $80/hour plus GST.